American Lung Association Honors Sanofi and Sanofi and Regeneron Alliance for Outstanding Work to Prevent Lung Disease and Improve Lung Health

On Friday, June 28, the American Lung Association honored Sanofi and the Sanofi and Regeneron Alliance with the Outstanding Corporate Partner Award at its annual awards celebration in Chicago. The decades-long partnership has been integral in supporting the American Lung Association’s work to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease.

“As the Lung Association celebrates 120 Years of Impact this year, we are proud to recognize Sanofi and the Sanofi and Regeneron Alliance for their outstanding commitment to supporting lung health. Our partnership has impacted public health and healthy equity for everyone by raising awareness of the importance of vaccination and by supporting people living with chronic lung disease,” said Harold Wimmer, President and CEO of the American Lung Association.

Over the past 10 years, Sanofi and the Sanofi and Regeneron Alliance have invested more than $5 million to support programs, initiatives and events related to improving lung health. The impact of the partnership touches every facet of the Lung Association’s lifesaving work with people living with lung disease, caregivers and healthcare providers. 

“Sanofi is honored to be chosen as American Lung Association’s Corporate Partner of the Year. By listening to ALA, who has been saving lives and improving lung health for 120 years, Sanofi plays a role in improving health for people living with asthma and COPD, helping prevent RSV in infants, and addressing climate change to make our communities and planet better. This acknowledgement will fuel our efforts because there is much more progress to make together moving forward,” said Eric Racine, Head of US Public Affairs & Patient Advocacy at Sanofi.

“As a company dedicated to following the science of type 2 inflammation and serious respiratory diseases, we are proud to support the American Lung Association’s efforts to educate the Asthma and COPD communities to be proactive and vigilant about their lung health. Regeneron is excited to be recognized by the American Lung Association for the 2024 Outstanding Corporate Partner Award,” said Amanda Seeff-Charny, Executive Director Patient Advocacy at Regeneron.

The American Lung Association has partnered with Sanofi and the Sanofi and Regeneron Alliance on critical education and awareness campaigns, while working to accelerate health equity and support people across the U.S. A few of the programs created through this partnership include:

  • HBCU Student and Asthma Initiative, where the Lung Association partnered with eighteen Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to provide the adult asthma self-management program, Breathe Well, Live Well®, to students who have asthma.
  • COPD for Life, to help people who have been living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) for ten or more years live better, more active and enjoyable lives. This program includes a one-on-one telephonic intervention with a Lung Health Navigator to ensure people living with COPD are best prepared to navigate life with a chronic lung disease.
  • Asthma for Life, to ensure that people with asthma and their caregivers have the support they need to best manage their disease and mental health. This initiative expands resources to offer more educational opportunities and support through the Lung HelpLine with Lung Health Navigators. 
  • RSV Awareness and Education, where the Lung Association executed a comprehensive program to raise awareness about the symptoms of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and new preventive options available to parents and caregivers. The campaign included resources in both English and Spanish.

Additionally, as participants in the Lung Association’s Health Industry Council, Sanofi and the Sanofi and Regeneron Alliance also lead innovation in lung health as strategic thinkers and subject matter experts. As active participants in Lung Association Walks, Climbs and Treks, they raise funds and spirit nationwide through employee engagement.  

Since 1904, the Lung Association has worked to champion lung health and pioneered the model of education, advocacy and research to support public health. In this work, the organization collaborates with partners and alliances that support efforts to defeat lung cancer, champion clean air for all, create a tobacco-free future and improve the quality of life for those with lung disease and their families. The Outstanding Corporate Partner Award recognizes these partners for their critical partnership in our mission.

For more information, contact:

Jill Dale
[email protected]

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