Lung Cancer
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The American Lung Association is committed to defeating lung cancer and supporting those affected by this disease. We offer a variety of resources and information about lung cancer.
Get Involved
Find a LUNG FORCE event near you!
There are countless ways to get involved with LUNG FORCE and our fight against lung cancer. From gatherings to seminars to fun fundraisers, LUNG FORCE holds many kinds of events across the country to raise awareness and support.
Find Upcoming EventsLung Cancer Basics
Learn the basics of lung cancer including the different types, causes and risk factors and what kind of research is being done.
Screening Resources
You may have many questions when considering screening for lung cancer. These resources can help you understand lung cancer screening.
Symptoms & Diagnosis
Know about the symptoms of lung cancer and how lung cancer is diagnosed, including staging and biomarker testing.
Learn what to do after a lung cancer diagnosis. Get important treatment information, what to expect and how to get support.
Living with Lung Cancer
Learn what you can expect living with lung cancer, get tips on talking about lung cancer and coping with emotions, find support groups, and see how to make plans for your future care.
Support for Family & Friends
Lung cancer resources to help your loved ones who are living with lung cancer. Learn and share valuable information including the top five questions for your doctor and helpful tips to stay organized.
Get Involved
Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in the U.S. Find ways that you can make an impact in the effort to defeat this disease and help us save more lives.
Healthcare Professionals
It's more than just treatment. As a healthcare professional, you provide support, education and hope to your patients.
Resource Library
Valuable resources for lung cancer patients and healthcare professionals, including downloadable information, online videos, lung cancer research news and much more.