Self-Care Tips for Pulmonary Fibrosis Caregivers

Consider ways you can take care of yourself during this stressful time. Below are self-care tips from other pulmonary fibrosis caregivers.

  • "Make time to be by yourself for quietness and to recharge."
  • "Exercise to keep your body fit and your mind sharp."
  • "Get plenty of rest to stay healthy and be of strong, sound mind."
  • "Take small get-a-ways, maybe a long weekend."
  • "If your loved one is in the hospital, consider leaving at night so you can get much-needed rest."
  • "Keep up on your own medical appointments. We spend a lot of time at the hospital, but if we avoid our own healthcare, then we are jeopardizing our long-term health."
  • "Seek out talk therapy if you are feeling disconnected, guilty or alone. Sometimes the simplest thing like running up the stairs stops me in my head and I feel guilty for being healthy."
  • "Spend a few minutes a day reflecting on when your partner was healthy and when you weren't the 'caregiver.' Bask in the frivolity. Remember the good times! Your person is the same person in spirit and mind—their body is just failing them."

For more caregiver support, connect with a caregiving community.

Page last updated: June 7, 2024

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