American Lung Association Applauds Proposal to Reduce Nicotine in Cigarettes and Other Products; Urges FDA To Include All Tobacco

Today, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a proposed rule to appear in Thursday’s Federal Register that would require tobacco companies to reduce the nicotine levels in almost all combusted tobacco products sold in the United States. The American Lung Association’s President and CEO Harold Wimmer issued the following statement: 

“Youth are initially attracted to tobacco products due to flavors and industry marketing, but they become addicted because of the nicotine. In 2009, Congress gave FDA the authority to reduce nicotine levels in tobacco products, which paved the way for the agency to propose this new rule. Reducing nicotine to non-addictive levels in combusted tobacco products would fulfill a major promise inherent in the Tobacco Control Act to save millions of lives.

“Making tobacco products non-addictive would dramatically reduce the number of young people who become hooked when they are experimenting. However, to fully address the toll of tobacco on our nation’s health and across all communities, we urge FDA to reduce nicotine levels to non-addictive levels in all tobacco products, including all cigars, hookah and e-cigarettes. The Lung Association looks forward to reviewing the proposed rule in detail and providing our comments to FDA.” 

For more information, contact:

Jill Dale
[email protected]

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