Help Us Improve the Future of Lung Health

We are recruiting healthy adults from 25 to 35 years old to unlock the mysteries of preventing lung disease in this exciting landmark study.

Purpose of the Study

The American Lung Association, in partnership with Northwestern University, was awarded a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant for the first-ever Lung Health Cohort Study. The pioneering study will follow 4,000 young, healthy adults to paint a clearer picture of lung health and the factors involved with predicting and preventing lung disease.

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Dr. Ravi Kalhan, Northwestern Medicine Pulmonologist and Study Principal Investigator

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How To Participate

1. Find and contact the study site near you using our site locator.
2. Register online to be contacted for screening.
3. Prepare for your enrollment visit. Coming soon!

Participation Details

You may qualify for the study if you:

  • Are 25 to 35 years old at time of examination
  • Are able to read and understand English or Spanish
  • Have a social security number

Unfortunately, you will not be able to participate if you:

  • Have severe asthma or other chronic lung disease have been diagnosed cardiovascular diseases (e.g., congenital heart disease, coronary heart disease)
  • Have history of cancer other than non-melanoma skin cancer
  • Are currently pregnant

The Lung Health Cohort Study is NOT a clinical trial and NO medications are administered. It is an observational study of healthy individuals that will last for approximately five (5) years. The baseline visit will take place at the site with additional information collected remotely (e.g., electronically, over the phone or by mail). After that, participants will be contacted remotely up to four (4) times per year. Purpose of the baseline visit is to determine eligibility, obtain study data, draw blood, collect nasal samples and conduct low-dose CT scan. Brief follow-ups are used to update contact information and gather additional details related to health and exposures.

Yes, compensation will be provided upon completion of initial baseline visit and based upon response to follow-up communications.

Find the Study Site Near You

Enter your state or zip code to find the site closest to your home, office, or wherever—totally up to you.

I Want My Lungs to Help Future Lungs!

By joining the Lung Health Cohort Study, you can make a difference and contribute to an increased understanding of how lung disease develops. Thank you for helping the future of lung health!

The button above will redirect you to a secure site to submit your personal information and register to be contacted about participating in the LHC.

For the Future of Lung Health

Little is known about the evolution of lung disease and how a young, healthy adult’s lung function changes throughout the years. The Lung Health Cohort Study will track 4,000 individuals over an extended period of time to uncover key exposures that may lead to lung disease.

The American Lung Association (ALA) Lung Health Cohort

This research has been approved by the Johns Hopkins Institutional Review Board

Protocol: IRB00236497

Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Sugar

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