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Robert P., AR

I am a veteran and suffer from MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity). I suffer from grand mal epileptic seizures when exposed to a long list of triggers including petrochemicals. Increased air pollution levels, increases the amount of epileptic seizures I have. I’ve also noticed that my seizures increase as a result of the burning of farm fields.

During the past week, I have been feeling tired and short of breath, which I realized is very much like what I felt while living in San Diego. I tried inquiring about it with several hospitals and health offices without any result. I was finally referred to a group in LA, which referred me back to a HEAL group in San Diego.

They were very aware of the cause and informed me that the whole membership had been sick. Some members had suffered epileptic attacks after being free of them for many years. I then learned that the city had been under a 10 day "weather inversion,” which means the pollution had accumulated over the city for ten days…

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Richmond, VA | Jan 06, 2025
Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Richmond, VA
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