Lung Cancer Survivors and Caregivers Take Their Stories to Capitol Hill to Advocate for Lifesaving Research and Public Health Funding

American Lung Association volunteers ask members of Congress to take action to end lung cancer

On Wednesday, March 20, LUNG FORCE Heroes—people living with lung cancer, their loved ones and advocates from across the country—will travel to Washington, D.C. to advocate for lifesaving research and public health funding. As a part of the American Lung Association LUNG FORCE Advocacy Day, the advocates will meet with members of Congress to share their stories, and ask them to support $51.3 billion in research funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and $11.6 billion in funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“Lung cancer is still the leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S., but we continue to make important progress in our efforts to end this devastating disease. There has been a 52% improvement in the lung cancer survival rate over the past decade, thanks in part to treatment advances, increased access to care and screening for individuals at high risk,” said Harold Wimmer, President and CEO of the American Lung Association. “Our LUNG FORCE Heroes are incredibly inspiring, and their stories truly make an impact. Their voices have helped us dramatically increase lung cancer research funding and improve our public health nationwide.”

Thousands of LUNG FORCE Heroes from across the country have raised their voices since 2016 to urge their members of Congress in Washington, D.C., to support robust, sustainable and predictable federal funding increases for lung cancer research, prevention, as well as quality and affordable healthcare. LUNG FORCE Heroes have succeeded in helping increase NIH lung cancer research funding by over 130% since the inception of LUNG FORCE in 2014. NIH has also funded research that has led to new treatments that are saving lives today. Since 2016, over 50 new therapies have been approved by the FDA to treat lung cancer – giving life and hope to those impacted by this disease. 

During the American Lung Association’s 2024 LUNG FORCE Advocacy Day on March 20, support LUNG FORCE Heroes by visiting and contacting members of Congress to ask them to support $51.3 billion in research funding for the NIH and $11.6 billion in funding for the CDC.

For more information, contact:

Jill Dale
[email protected]

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