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Thomas Z., TX

Help make a difference in someone's life. On Sept 13, 2012 I flew to Grand Rapids MI for a four day vacation to surprise my Mom for her 84 birthday. She lives in Victoria TX with my Stepdad and they went up to MI for a long vacation. The plan was for me to stay outside until I received word. Then I came in and approached my mom as if I was a waiter. I said to her "Would you like a glass of water" she said no thanks; and did not recognize me. So I asked her again. It is not any trouble I do not mind getting you some water. This time she looked at me and said. "Is that you tommy, what are you doing here". I said Happy Birthday. It was a great Birthday for my mom and little did I know there was another purpose for me being in MI. The next day I had to go back to one of my relative's house where I was staying for 3 days and was invited to a house party. At the house party I meet a guy who plays the harmonica and he apologized for not being able to talk much. He told me he has pulmonary disease and his doctor prescribed a new type of therapy being done in MI called Harmonica Therapy. I was curious about Harmonica Therapy so I decided to look on the internet and see if this type of therapy was being done in Austin TX. I did not read anything on the internet about Harmonica Therapy in Austin, but I did read where Seton Hospital has a pulmonary rehab center and many Pulmonary doctors work here. After making a few phone calls to doctors and hospitals about implementing Harmonica Therapy in Austin TX I came in contact with Kitty Collins, Seton Hospital's Network Manager for Outpatient Pulmonary Rehabilitation on 38th Street. Mrs. Collins asked what drove me to call Seton. I told her about my encounter with a gentleman in Grand Rapids, MI. He has pulmonary disease, and his doctor wants him to pursue Harmonica Therapy. So what are the benefits? Among them are breathing control, relaxation, and the sense of satisfaction and confidence that comes from performing, entertaining, and keeping the arts alive for others. I created the Seton COPD Blues Benefit in March 2013. Now I have been approved by the American Lung Assocation to create a Benefit for them. I plan to get Corporate Sponsors and have 7 hours of live entertainment with a Silent Auction. Come to Austin TX on Nov 2, 2014 and be a part of it. Think I am going to call it. GET UP and SHOUT- I LOVE LUNGS MUSIC BENEFIT.

First Published: September 23, 2015

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