San Francisco Becomes Largest City to End Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products, Protect Kids from Becoming Next Generation Hooked on Tobacco

"The fight against Big Tobacco took a significant step forward this week. The American Lung Association and its health partners are celebrating the passage of Proposition E in San Francisco, which will prohibit the sale of flavored tobacco products, including e-cigarettes in the City and County. For too long, candy- and fruit-flavored tobacco products have been marketed to and designed to attract kids, setting up our nation's youth for a lifetime of addiction to nicotine and tobacco. This policy in San Francisco is an important step in protecting public health and reducing youth access to these dangerous products.

"Opponents to Proposition E were well-funded by millions of dollars from the tobacco industry, but voters saw through the deceptive campaign tactics and instead stood in support of a critical policy that will protect children.

"Proposition E has nationwide implications. San Francisco is the largest city to pass what is now one of the strongest such policies in the nation, allowing others to follow its lead. The American Lung Association believes everyone should be protected from the harms of tobacco use, and stands ready to work with other municipalities and states to enact similar policies to reduce tobacco and e-cigarette use.

"In addition, the American Lung Association urges swift action from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to end the sale of all flavored tobacco products – including menthol cigarettes – all of which attract and hook kids. The availability of menthol cigarettes reduces smokers’ success in quitting, especially among African-Americans, and increases the overall smoking rates among African-Americans."

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