American Lung Association Increases Research Investment to $8.7 Million This Year, Making Progress on Promise to Double Its Investment in Lung Health Research

The American Lung Association honors its commitment to a world free of lung disease through funding a wide range of research, including lung cancer, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) pulmonary fibrosis and more. Today, the organization has announced an investment of $8.7 million, for a total of 73 awards, through the Airways Clinical Research Centers and Awards and Grants Program and continues to seek new applicants for the 2020-2021 awards. This announcement comes at an important time, as November is both Lung Cancer Awareness Month and COPD Awareness Month. 

“We know for a fact that investing in the latest research saves lives. We must do everything in our power to help the more than 35 million Americans living with lung disease see a brighter, healthier future. That’s why the American Lung Association is committed to doubling our funding for lung health research,” said American Lung Association President and CEO Harold Wimmer. “The Lung Association is also committed to supporting our talented team of researchers, who do amazing work every day. That’s why I’m honored and excited to continue expanding this program, which will accelerate treatments from the lab to the patient’s bedside.”

For over 115 years the American Lung Association has focused on driving excellence and innovation through research. The Lung Association is particularly interested in highly meritorious research projects consistent with our strategic imperatives:

  • Defeat lung cancer
  • Improve the air we breathe so it will not cause or worsen lung disease
  • Reduce the burden of lung disease on patients and their families
  • Eliminate tobacco use and tobacco-related lung diseases

Research projects funded by the Lung Association are carefully selected through rigorous scientific review and represent the investigation of a wide range of complex issues to help combat and reduce the suffering and burden of lung disease. See project overviews of all currently funded projects at

Lung cancer is the #1 cancer killer of both women and men in the U.S. During November’s Lung Cancer Awareness Month, the American Lung Association’s LUNG FORCE initiative is dedicated to increasing awareness about the risk of this deadly disease and uniting Americans to raise funds for critical lung cancer research. The Lung Association is funding 31 research grants dedicated to lung cancer research, including the Lung Cancer Discovery Award.

“Lung cancer is the top cancer killer of both women and men, a fact that is alarming and demands action,” Wimmer said. “As a result, the American Lung Association has made defeating lung cancer a strategic imperative of the organization, and we are proud to increase our funding of research to improve early detection and treatment of lung cancer.”

COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. The Lung Association is using this November – COPD Awareness Month – as an opportunity to educate Americans on all aspects of COPD including causes, prevention, disease management and treatment and how to find patient and caregiver support. The Lung Association is also funding four studies focused on COPD, in addition to the ongoing clinical trials being conducted by the ACRC.

For media interested in speaking with an expert about lung health and the American Lung Association Research Team, contact Stephanie Goldina at [email protected] or 312-801-7629.  

For more information, contact:

Elizabeth Cook
[email protected]

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