New Report: Ohio Earns Mostly Failing Grades for Tobacco Control Policies

American Lung Association “State of Tobacco Control” report releases Ohio grades for tobacco control policies, calls on Senate to not preempt the local regulation of tobacco products, including e-ciga

Today, the American Lung Association released the 22nd annual “State of Tobacco Control” report, which finds that Ohio received three Fs, one C and one A grade for efforts to prevent and reduce tobacco use. The Lung Association calls on the Senate to reject efforts to preempt the local regulation of tobacco products which would roll back much of the progress that has been made over the last couple of decades to reduce tobacco usage in Ohio.

The “State of Tobacco Control” report evaluates state and federal policies on actions taken to eliminate tobacco use and recommends proven-effective tobacco control laws and policies to save lives.

“Tobacco use is the leading cause of death in Ohio and across the country, and takes the lives of 20,180 state residents each year. The tobacco industry will do anything to protect their profits at the expense of Ohio lives, so we must push forward in our efforts to prevent and reduce tobacco use,” said Ken Fletcher, Advocacy Director at the American Lung Association in Ohio. We ask the Senate to reject the request of the tobacco industry to eliminate all local regulation of tobacco products. 

Ohio’s Grades 
The “State of Tobacco Control” report grades states and the District of Columbia in five areas that have been proven to prevent and reduce tobacco use and save lives. In the 2024 report, Ohio received the following grades: 
•    Funding for State Tobacco Prevention Programs – Grade F
•    Strength of Smokefree Workplace Laws – Grade A
•    Level of State Tobacco Taxes – Grade F
•    Coverage and Access to Services to Quit Tobacco – Grade C
•    Ending the Sale of All Flavored Tobacco Products – Grade F
This year’s report noted the need for Ohio policy makers to focus on three key priorities: 
1.    Continue to allow local communities to regulate tobacco products including prohibiting flavorings for all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes; 
2.    Restore the funding for tobacco prevention and cessation programs cut this year to bring it closer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)s recommendation for Ohio; and 
3.    Match the tax on non-cigarette forms of tobacco like spit tobacco, cigars and hookah to the cigarette tax.

To learn more about this year’s “State of Tobacco Control” grades and take action, visit

Get involved and help the mission of the American Lung Association. The Fight For Air Climb in Cleveland is coming up on March 3 at Key Tower. Learn more at

For more information, contact:

James A. Martinez
(312) 445-2501
[email protected]

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