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Joan P.

I was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy about 10 years ago - and another name for this heart/lung disease is Congestive Heart Failure. At intervals, I have had bronchitis which led to pneumonia - 2013 . After a well check with my PCP, a family Internist in July 2018, I became very ill with symptoms similar to bronchitis and returned to a Nurse Practitioner for treatment.

This NP wanted me to wait to see if my condition worsened before prescribing RX drugs. By PM of the same day, my coughing and sneezing were far worse. The following AM, I phoned my regular Internist (same medical practice with NP); and, I received a phone call directly from this M. D., who phoned in a prescription. Two days later, my symptoms were so severe that I went ahead to the ER of the closest hospital.

I was diagnosed with a severe lung infection, given oxygen application, Levaquin via IV and my regular RX heart medications for the first 1-2 days. Then, the cardio staff tried a new heart RX, a beta blocker! My high fever left and my struggle to breathe improved - also, my severe cough lessened and I was released and sent home, on the 4th day after admission into the cardio-pulmonary area of the hospital. This illness left me feeling weak and run-down and it was about 6 weeks before I recovered from this episode. I know that the newly added RX beta blocker has seemed to help to boost my other heart medications. I was advised by Cardio hospital staff to continue to take the old and new RXs on a scheduled daily routine.

Currently, during the COVID- 19 outbreak, I have had mild symptoms which subsided after about 2 days. I have taken my RX diuretic with potassium when I noticed edema in my lower legs and feet and the fluid left, making my breathing almost normal (have a heart murmur, since childhood, which led to Cong. Heart Failure condition, near age 60.

My symptoms seem much like those of the COVID - 19 virus. While I was never in the I. C. Unit, I noticed that some hospital staff, like the In-Charge Nurse avoided coming into my room. I was in a "computerized" bed with controls that relayed messages to the Nurses' Station.. This was a most unpleasant stay, due to the fact that my bed would vibrate for 10 minutes or longer when I changed positions, probably alerting nursing staff - so hardly any real sleep - torture, really.

I honestly feel that - in 2018, my severe lung infection, which was monitored by a second specialist, a Pulmonary M. D. from 2018-2019 was as bad as COVID - 19, because my illness could have caused me to develop pneumonia, as a similar illness did - in 2013. I have isolated myself, but have had some close contact with some people who have probably been near other people with an actual case of COVID- 19. I have not been tested and have moved all of my MD appts., including Cardio and Eye. I had DDS implant surgery one week prior to our Governor closing DDS offices with limit on emergency surgery, only. My DDS follow-up is scheduled for late June, and completion of work is due, early September.

First Published: June 11, 2021

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