Tracey E

Tracey E.

My mother was diagnosed with Stage 1 lung cancer in May of 2015 just 5 months before my wedding. She underwent surgery and the doctors deemed her cured -- no radiation or chemo needed.

In early 2016 she kept getting sick. Doctors told her it must be a virus and to go home and rest. In May of 2016 they found cancer in her lymph nodes and in her lung. She underwent radiation and chemo for about 2 months and then contracted pneumonia in October. She never recovered.

On November 19, 2016 my mother passed away in a hospital surrounded by her family. I live over 400 miles away and made it just in time to see her. When I walked into the room her eyes filled with tears and she reached out for me. She passed hours later.

I am 26 years old and my mom was my rock, best friend, and confidant. When she was diagnosed her goal was to live long enough to see her grandchildren. That unfortunately wasn't how things turned out and it's so painful to know that she'll never see me become a mom. It has only been 2 1/2 weeks since she's passed and I sometimes wake up in the morning forgetting that she's no longer here. Now my dad and brother, who has special needs, and I are trying to pick up the pieces of our once simple life. I miss her every single day.

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