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Susan B.

In November 2015 I was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. Like many, the diagnosis was unexpected and prompted an array of responses that ranged from sadness, complete confusion and absolute uncertainty. I was prescribed a regime of 18 rounds of chemo and 30 rounds of radiation to both my lung and my brain. July 2016 was my last round of treatment and fortunately have had none since. My routine consists of visiting my oncologist every three months who looks at and translates my CT findings to me.

While not gone, my health has remained good and I am as active as possible. I am 65 and retired from teaching photography for the last 30 years. In retirement I have produced an artist exhibition which used my diagnosis as inspiration. The exhibition will run from June 9 - August 4 at Augsburg College in Minneapolis. I encourage people, especially those from the cancer community, to try and see the work.

First Published: May 23, 2017

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