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Sherry F.

It's two and a half years later and I am still feeling suffocated by loss.

My beautiful, young mom, Donna Wyland, was diagnosed with Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer in April 2012 and left us 25 months later, on May 12, 2014. She was only 68...too young, too vibrant, too HEALTHY, to die. Yes, she did smoke from age 16 to 46, but she thought she had "beaten the odds" until the devastating news floored us all. She fought with the grit and tenacity of a woman determined to live, but this UGLY disease took her from us. The tears still flow and there's a hole in the hearts of her husband, children and grandchildren that will never be filled.

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Richmond, VA
Richmond, VA | Jan 06, 2025
Asthma Basics Workshop
Jacksonville, FL | Feb 19, 2025