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Robert A., MO

In the fall of 2011 I wrestled with a cough for a week or two. One day I got dizzy along with severe heart burn and went to my knees. I managed to dial 911, but then got better. I told the ambulance driver that I would drive myself to the hospital. I was diagnosed with bronchitis and a spot on my Lung. I went through two months of tests so they could determine what it was and if it could be operated on. It was lung cancer that showed a 50% chance that it could be removed. I lost my right lung and a trace of cancer was left in a lymph node. I then went through radiation and chemo treatment. The odds were against me, but it's been in remission ever since. So far, so good. I can walk about a half mile without stopping to catch my breath. Doctors, nurses, and all kept telling me how lucky I was. PS Ice Pops/Popsicles tasted ok while on chemo. They can be home made for nutrients.

First Published: October 29, 2013

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