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Marlene D.

I fell in April 2016 and went for an X-ray of my arm and they saw nodules on my lungs. I was lucky enough to have surgery on July 13, 2016 even though it was not in a great area to reach. One thoracic surgeon took the chance. He took the top left upper lobe. I started chemotherapy and RAD6 at the same time in August and finished up my last chemo treatment on Dec. 9, 2016.

The recovery from my last round seemed to take more of a toll on me. I had a cough for three weeks in which the doctors didn't address and I also was extremely tired. But because of the holidays I just thought I was busier than usual.

So, "oh happy day, I'm done with chemo!" what i thought. When I had the surgery in July, I noticed in August a small lump on my lower back which scared me, thinking it could be a blood clot. I showed every doctor I have seen since then. No one did a biopsy or really showed any concern, thinking it was an infection or cyst. I was put on antibiotics twice.

Now the first week of January 2017, it's a new year and I'm looking forward to getting on with life and no more doctors for a while. I had a lot of appointments scheduled the first week so I could get everything over with. I notice a little weakness on my left side leg and arm which I said I would bring up to the doctors on my schedule appointments. By Thursday I knew the news wouldn't be good, I had two planned scans that day an MRI and a CT-scan, however, they admitted me through the ER so things moved more rapidly.

The MRI showed the cancer had spread to brain. My oncologist was not optimistic and really has the personality of a doorknob. I have always been upbeat but some of these doctors are idiots. To make a long story short, I had brain surgery on Jan. 11, 2017 tumor was removed and I am moving all extremities on my left side, talking, etc. Doctors are amazed. While in hospital recovering from this surgery I saw my thoracic surgeon and told him about the lump on my back. He came and did a biopsy right then and there.

I found out Monday night that it's cancer. Boom. Here we go again. What made me angry is that my oncologist was told each and every time that it hurts and is getting bigger, etc. I called him on Tuesday to see what we do next and have not heard a thing back as of yet. No phone call, no nothing. All of my surgeons are great and went above and beyond, but the one I've seen the most and my family doctor (who is also new to me, since my regular doctor retired in April) can't be bothered and talk with such doom and gloom. I was in hospital for 13 days and he never came once, and sent someone I had never met before.

Trying not to get myself down because morale is so important too. I have a great faith and support system, but sometimes it's hard.

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