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Lisa T., IN

My beloved Aunt Lou was diagnosed with NSCLC in October 2014 with a tumor on her spine and one on her liver. We were so shocked. She had been diagnosed a few months earlier with COPD which was rather odd considering she was 82 and had never had that diagnosis before. She complained to her primary care doctor about losing weight, but her primary care doctor ordered heart and lung function tests which she passed. She was diagnosed a month or so later with pneumonia. Put on antibiotics, x-rayed again and proclaimed to be okay. Little did we know, x-rays did not show her tumor. Her tumor was hidden behind her sternum and growing. Eventually a month or so more passed and she was still noticing how loose her clothes were. Her primary care doctor asked her if she wanted a CT scan. She of course replied yes. This showed something. By the time she had a biopsy in October, the cancer was advanced. If her primary care doctor had listened to her and ordered a test which might have revealed the cancer sooner, she might have been able to have been saved. I love my Aunt with all my heart and she bravely fought a very tough battle the past nine months. We lost her on 7/18/15 at age 83. If you or any loved ones experiences anything unusual, please insist on a CT scan. Had I known this when my Aunt was experiencing symptoms, it might have helped us find the cancer at a more treatable stage. Rest in peace, lovely Aunt Lou. I love you.

First Published: July 28, 2015

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