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Laverne C., CT


This was the lung cancer type that I had. I had the middle lobe of my right lung removed, May 2022. I chose this option as opposed to radiation/chemo, as I lost my younger sister to cancer almost 20 years ago.

I am sharing my story, as I went for a lung scan, per my primary doctors' request back in October 2021. I had no symptoms, I was fine. She only suggested this because I had been a past smoker, to which I quit, over 20 years ago. I am also sharing my story, because when she suggested I get a scan done, my husband had previously had Prostate/Bladder cancer surgery (both removed) in June 2021. Yep, almost a year within each other, we both had cancer surgeries. We are both fine, my husband just had his yearly scan done, and is cancer free! My six-month scan will be this November (2022), and I know my God is bigger, because I too, will be cancer free!!

I never knew the strength I would have, through God to make it through my husband's ordeal. He had so much going on, even before his surgery. He faced blood in his urine, he had blot clots that we had to deal with, this all after receiving our 2nd round of covid vaccine. I never knew the strength I could have to help him, it was a day-by-day thing, at times I felt numb, like how am I even doing this? When it was my turn, to face my ordeal, I am grateful to God for Him, for my husband, family and church family. I felt like I had more strength to help him, than for myself. And that is why I am so glad I had brothers and sisters within the church to pray for me, be there for me, and help with meals.

God gives us the strength we need, through Him, to make it through anything life throws our way. I am just grateful I am here; I have a second chance in life. I now have to get myself healthy in an 'eating' sense, and to not have to deal with anymore health issues because of my foolishness.

There are so many details of what my husband and I went through. I just don't know where to start, and how long my testimony should be. I can only say that we can literally tell someone, we know what they're going through, because we have.

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH | Sep 25, 2024
Respiratory Virus Immunizations for Adults with Chronic Medical Conditions
Chicago, IL | Oct 30, 2024