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Landon R., PA

My mom was only 60 years old when she passed away. It was January 18th, 2018 when I took her to the hospital for throwing up and not feeling well for a few weeks. I was prepared for them to tell us she had the cold or flu... My worse fears came alive when 6 doctors came into her ER room, one sitting down next to her and held her hand. They said I'm sorry but it's cancer in the lung. Even worse, it had spread to her liver, spine, brain, and bones. The doctors said surgery wasn't an option - only chemo.

She had three rounds of chemo the first weekend of February 2018. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse on Monday February 5th, 2018 and we began hospice care. She passed away just two days later, February 7th. My mom was a strong, hardworking, beautiful woman who even after receiving her cancer diagnosis remained positive and hopeful. I'm passionate about finding a cure or at least detecting it earlier to give others a fighting chance.

First Published: June 6, 2019

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