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Jeanne D., CA

I wanted to make a comment to Jackie D. and all other patients who have been diagnosed with lambert-eaton, an autoimmune disorder. This condition is life-altering. It affects your daily quality of living. I have suffered eye lid drooping, difficulty with urinary functions, nerve pain, severe constipation among others. It took years to come to this diagnosis. The horror stories of misdiagnosis are unbelievable! I greatly sympathize with Jackie D. and others who might have been diagnosed with this horrible condition. 70% of Lambert-Eaton patients are diagnosed with lung cancer. I am one of the fortunate ones who does not have lung cancer. However, every year I am directed to have a CAT scan of my lungs. So far so good. No lung cancer.

I think communicating with others diagnosed with Lambert-Eaton might be tremendously comforting. Please write to me Jackie D. I would love to be your friend. Also anyone else diagnosed with Lambert-eaton is invited to be my friend. I hope you are doing better, Jackie D. Warmly, Jean D.

First Published: March 19, 2019

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