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Glenn W.

I'm 72 years old and I was diagnosed as 1a in November 2013. I had lower half lung removed a month later followed by seven weeks of chemo and radiation, because when I exited surgery, I was 3a due to unseen involvement. I was in the hospital three times for a total of 26 days due to blood clots in my lungs and the radiation causing three problems with my heart. All this done locally. A later scan showed more cancer in lungs. I went to the hospital, received 3 "big boy" chemo treatments until as much was destroyed as they could before starting on good stuff. I came back home and am taking maintenance chemo now every 4 weeks. I started taking Alimta and was told it would be "a piece of cake" - it about kicked my butt

I say this to let you know: care givers are the ones that need help. They have helped the ones with cancer, no one is prepared, and they should all receive sainthood or at least be given wings.

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