David B

David B., WV

After 17 years of marriage to the most wonderful lady I had ever met Marjorie was diagnosed with lung cancer. She had been a smoker for 40 years but quit after we had been married for 10 years. A lifetime career as a Registered Nurse and diagnosed two weeks before retirement.

Treatment didn’t start until three months later  even though I had made numerous calls.

The chemo and radiation was very strong and she suffered from neuropathy in her hands and feet. This led her to fall in the house and fracture a leg while using a walker.

As she became weaker her daughter Ann and other family were at the house. I was employed at the time but spent each night at home caring for her. While she was in the hospital we were with her most of the time.

Her struggle ended 18 months after diagnosis. During that time she remained positive and never complained about any aspect of her condition.

First Published: March 16, 2021

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