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Chloe V., MI

Today is the first day of November. So I decided that today I am going to talk about why November is and should be so important to everyone. I found out not that long ago that November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Not many people know so I decided that this is important for me to share.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States which makes up 25% of cancer deaths. The leading cause of cancer is smoke. Smoke and cigarette smoke contain more than 7,000 chemical and out of those 7,000 at least 250 are known to be harmful. Of those 250 chemicals, 69 can cause cancer.

You may ask me why I am telling you all of the this. This is why: my grandpa, Vernon Don Vettraino passed away when I was just 6 years old due to lung cancer. It was difficult for me to process that I won’t be able to see someone I loved so much, someone who made me so happy, anymore.

My grandpa served in the U.S Navy for what I believe was four years. When you are in the Navy you are surrounded by a lot of smoke from the engine and he also started to smoke. At 28 years old he married my grandma Shirley. They then had two children Scott and Matt. Then when they became older they got married and had kids. I was one of them.

I was lucky enough to have Don Vettraino as my Grandpa. He always told the funniest jokes and always made me laugh. He loved his grandkids more than anything and I love him so so so much too.

I can’t remember when exactly when he got diagnosed with cancer because I was very young. I do remember the hospital visits. He never looked sick when we were around. He always had a smile on his face so excited to see all of us.

On June 29th 2014 he passed away. I can’t tell you how heartbroken I was. I was so excited to go to “Grandma and Grandpa’s house” the day I heard not knowing that there would be no Grandpa there. I cannot express enough all the things I would do to get him back in my life. To be able to watch me grow up. To see what I have accomplished.

So I tell you all of this so you know how lung cancer affects the lives of all these people. I’m telling you this so I can share my experience so that you can go and help during this month for all these people who are suffering. So please go and donate as much as you can or do whatever you can to help treat people with lung cancer.

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