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Carol S.

In the late 1960s at age 34, Carol's brother experienced seizure while on vacation with his wife. After being rushed to the emergency room, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer, which quickly metastasized to his lungs and brain. He passed away after a six-month battle with the deadly disease. At the time, Carol and her family didn't discuss the diagnosis or risk of cancer within their family -- they simply didn't know what to ask or say.

Then, in 1971, Carol's oldest sister was diagnosed with lung cancer, which metastasized quickly and look her life soon after the diagnosis. Despite being by her sister's side throughout her treatments, taking her to her oncology appointments and researching lung cancer care and protocol, Carol continued to smoke.

In 2007, Carol finally quit smoking. Five years later, Carol's daughter was working with lung health expert Dr. Andrew McKee and encouraged Carol to have a precautionary lung cancer screening. Dr. McKee discovered one small node that they continue to monitor with yearly screenings.

Now an advocate for screening, Carol encourages her family and friends to talk with their doctor to determine their lung cancer risk. Over the years, Carol has been actively involved in caring and supporting multiple close friends who have sadly lost their battles with lung cancer. Carol hopes that one day lung cancer will be a less threatening illness that people can live with.

First Published: October 19, 2016

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