Ashlee H

Ashlee H., OH

My name is Ashlee Harmon, I am a 17-year-old from Troy, Ohio and my life has been affected by lung diseases.

I, myself, have asthma and it affects my life daily. I'm a competitive dancer and asthma makes it 10 times harder. My grandmother has smoked for as long as I can remember and she now has been diagnosed with COPD and always has to have oxygen to help her breathe.

The worst way I have been affected by lung diseases is losing my father to lung cancer. He was an everyday smoker and unfortunately was diagnosed at age 41 to having lung cancer. He was diagnosed in November of 2018 and passed away 7 months later in June 2019. This was the hardest struggle of my life and sent me through severe depression. I cannot stress to people enough the affects of smoking. And I always share my story to others hoping that just maybe they realize it could happen to them and to quit smoking before it’s just too late.

First Published: August 1, 2019

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