Amber P

Amber P., DE

When I was about 7 years old, I remember my mom coming into the kitchen in tears, her mother and my Nana was just diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. My Nana was one of the kindest individuals I knew, she was constantly out in the community helping others and spending time with her friends and family. As an avid member in her church and community, you would always see her with a smile on her face willing to help anyone in need. After not feeling so well one day, she made an appointment to speak with her doctor. Within a few days, she received a call sharing the devastating news.

My Nana was someone who had never smoked a day in her life, but because of the second-hand smoke exposure she was around throughout her childhood and into her working career, this horrible disease found its way to her. Because of my Nana, I want to be an advocate for those struggling with this disease. If my Nana was never exposed to the horrible chemicals in cigarettes years earlier, she could still be here today. In memory of my Nana, I want to make sure we stomp out the horrid use of nicotine and make the world a healthier place for all.

First Published: September 9, 2019

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