Adrina M

Adrina M., FL

Our family volunteers with our local American Lung Association in Central Florida in support of our family members. Unfortunately, lung disease has struck my family on multiple fronts. My husband’s mother passed away from lung disease in 2011, my uncle was diagnosed with lung cancer two years ago, and my mother lives with COPD. We volunteer to help them, honor them and hope to help so many more.

My husband was very close to his mother. Her loss weighs heavy on us but also calls us to action. Millions of people are living with lung disease and lung cancer is a ruthless disease. If I can play a small part in advocating for more research funds, better public education about the risk factors of lung cancer, I will. My Uncle is currently going through cancer treatments and is taking things one day at a time. We are thankful for research that helps to identify better and more efficient treatments and are hopeful that my uncle and the hundreds of thousands of other Americans diagnosed with lung cancer can live a long, fulfilling life.


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