'State of Tobacco Control’ Report: The Alarming Impact of Tobacco and Urging White House to Act on Menthol Cigarettes
State of Tobacco Control 2024 logo

Our 22nd annual “State of Tobacco Control” report reveals the continued devastation of tobacco use, including menthol cigarettes, on individuals and families across the country. It also underscores the urgent need for the White House to finalize the rules that end the sale of menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars to save lives. Please take action now at to urge President Biden to finalize the menthol cigarette and flavored cigar rules. See the full report and how your state rates at

Lung Association Supports “Menthol Funeral” in Washington

On January 18, many staff members from our Washington, DC office braved the cold and snow to join other tobacco control organizations in staging a “Menthol Funeral” (complete with casket) in front of the White House. The event was held as part of the effort to urge the Biden administration to release a long-delayed final rule prohibiting the sale of menthol cigarettes and other menthol-flavored tobacco products. You can lend your support for this important effort at

Annual Report Highlights our Lung Health Leadership

In the last year, we have faced many challenges to our lung health, including lung cancer, asthma, COPD, RSV, the flu, COVID-19, wildfire smoke, vaping and more. Our Annual Report for FY2023 showcases how we significantly expanded our efforts to help everyone breathe easier, thanks to the generosity of our donors and volunteers.

ALA Annual Report FY23
Platinum Transparency seal
Lung Association Earns Platinum Seal  

We recently earned a Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency from non-profit rating service @CandidDotOrg and GuideStar. This means the American Lung Association has attained the highest possible rating for transparency in the use of donor funds.


Take the Stairs to Support Lung Health

Fight For Air Climb season is here. These fun and rewarding events offer the chance for participants to climb the stairs of local landmarks, and to raise funds for the Lung Association. Now is the time to sign up and even build a climb team! Find a Climb near you. Want to get inspired? Watch the Climb video.


Lung Cancer Support Group Facilitator Training

In January we launched our new training program for lung cancer support group facilitators. The program prepares those interested in being support group facilitators with the knowledge and the necessary tools needed to successfully host and facilitate monthly support group meetings for lung cancer survivors and caregivers. Learn more. If you are interested in taking the Lung Cancer Facilitator Training, please contact [email protected] and request an enrollment key.


Investing in Tomorrow: Meet Three Rising Stars in Lung Research

This year, the Lung Association Research Institute invested $13.6 million dollars in research, funding 129 groundbreaking projects that will shape the future of lung health. Among these projects, we’ve funded Catalyst Awardee Amanda Wilson, Ph.D., who is revolutionizing how schools can better protect students from respiratory diseases and miss less school time. Read about Dr. Wilson’s work and two other rising stars in last month’s research blog.

Lung Research News: Now even easier to use! Keep up to date with cutting-edge studies, reports, and editorials from American Lung Association funded research. Research News is updated monthly, is searchable by keyword, and explains the main finding of the paper, its importance to lung health, and how the authors are affiliated with the Lung Association. New and exciting for 2024: each paper is now lead by a reader-friendly headline, making it effortless to find and understand the research that matters most to you. 


EPA Strengthens Limits on Particle Pollution

After years of advocacy from the Lung Association, volunteers like you and health experts nationwide, we saw an important step forward for clean air. On February 7, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized stronger national limits on particle pollution. The new standard will help ensure this deadly pollutant is cleaned up, saving an estimated 4,500 lives the first year it’s fully implemented. The Lung Association actually called for even stronger standards, but the new rule is still good news for lung health. Now, we’re calling on EPA to quickly finalize additional, much-needed clean air protections to further reduce pollution from cars, trucks and power plants. Join us in thanking President Biden and EPA and urging them to finish the job: Don’t Delay, Clean Air Today! 

Lung Association Leads Virtual Capitol Hill Day for Supplemental Oxygen Reform 

On January 31, the Lung Association led a virtual advocacy day with more than 50 participants in 17 targeted states and congressional districts where people who require supplemental oxygen to share their stories with their members of Congress about the urgent need for Congress to pass the “Supplemental Oxygen Access Reform” or SOAR Act. It is bipartisan, bicameral legislation that will reform access to supplemental oxygen in Medicare. If you or a loved one use supplemental oxygen, we ask you to complete this survey to share how you have been affected.


Join us in Protecting the Lung Health of Youth

In the U.S., children spend an average of 1,000 hours in school per year, so it is critical to ensure the classroom is a healthy environment. To help keep kids healthy and in school, the Lung Association launched a new initiative called Creating Lung-Friendly Environments for Youth, which helps schools and parents address chronic lung diseases like asthma, and topics such as air quality and tobacco policies. Take the assessment and browse the free and interactive webpage to find strategies for addressing asthma, tobacco, clean air and more in schools and community organizations. Reach out to [email protected] to bring this new resource to your community.

Testing & Treatment Options for COVID-19

Anyone who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should test right away, and if positive, should follow the recommended steps to care for yourself and help stop the spread to others. Treatment options are available for people at high risk for severe COVID-19 illness. If you have chronic lung disease, are pregnant, are aged 50+, or have another high-risk condition and have tested positive for COVID-19, contact your healthcare provider right away so they can help determine the best treatment options for you.  

Watch this video to learn more about the importance of testing and early treatment for COVID-19. 


Do I Need (Supplemental) Oxygen?
Being prescribed oxygen can be overwhelming. We met with Dr. Rijive Tandon, pulmonologist at Ascension Medical Group in Chicago, to answer some of the most common questions people have about supplemental oxygen. 


 Your support makes our mission possible! Whether it’s funding research to help us end diseases like asthma, COPD and lung cancer, keeping kids off tobacco, protecting the air we breathe and so much more, it all depends on your generous support. Thank you for helping us all breathe easier together. 

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH | Sep 25, 2024
Respiratory Virus Immunizations for Adults with Chronic Medical Conditions
Chicago, IL | Oct 30, 2024