Putting together an Asthma or COPD travel pack now can help ensure you have all your medications and instructions in one easily accessible place when you need to leave home unexpectedly or for an extended period. This is important especially when traveling to other states or countries, or during evacuation due to a natural disaster or other emergency. Some of these items you use daily. Rather than packing them you will want to have a brief list of items to add in a hurry, so nothing is missed.

When creating your travel pack consider including:

  • Both quick-relief and controller medications
    • Make sure there is enough medication to get you through your stay, (and extra in case you get held over unexpectedly). Check the dose counters on your inhalers or the number of nebulizer doses you have available. You may need to request additional medication from your healthcare provider before you leave.
  • Medication delivery devices
    • Make sure to bring medication delivery devices, such as a nebulizer and/or spacer. If traveling by airplane, make sure to check with the airlines on how to properly pack a nebulizer machine. If traveling out of the country and using a nebulizer, make sure your device is compatible with power outlets in the country you are traveling to.
  • Copies of your Asthma Action Plan or COPD Action Plan
    • An action plan is a written instruction that your doctor has put together to manage symptoms in the case of an asthma or COPD flareup. This includes sudden onset of symptoms caused by triggers with the goal of preventing a hospital or emergency department visit. If you do not have an asthma or COPD action plan, schedule an appointment with your doctor to have this ready before you travel.
  • An extra written prescription in case medications are lost or destroyed
  • Insurance card and healthcare provider contact information
  • A peak flow meter, if prescribed by your healthcare provider
  • Allergy and other medications, if prescribed by your healthcare provider

Remember to store your travel pack medications at the correct temperature. Ask your pharmacist or refer to the medication insert for proper temperatures.

Learn more about asthma by taking Asthma Basics, a free online course

Access additional resources for asthma, COPD, using and cleaning a nebulizer, and protecting your lungs in emergencies.

Questions? Call the Lung HelpLine at 1-800-LUNGUSA.

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