#DoTheVapeTalk: On August 9, we were proud to launch our new youth vaping Ad Council public service campaign, #DoTheVapeTalk, in partnership with the Ad Council. The new PSAs are part of our broader efforts to raise awareness about the risks associated with youth vaping and help parents with middle schoolers (ages 10-14) start important conversations with their kids, while they’re still willing to listen, to prevent their kids from starting. The PSAs use pop culture and viral dance video trends to connect parents and their kids as a lead-in to more serious conversations about the dangers of vaping. Some spots feature dancer, social media influencer and anti-vaping activist Russell Horning, “The Backpack Kid.”

DoTheVapeTalk campaign

Lung Health Barometer Measures Lung Cancer AwarenessIn recognition of World Lung Cancer Day, we launched our LUNG FORCE Lung Health Barometer on August 1. Among the many highlights, the survey reveals that only 1 in 4 respondents were aware the lung cancer survival rate increased by over 30% in the past 10 years. The Barometer provides a critical look at public awareness and attitudes regarding lung cancer to inform a roadmap to save more lives. Greater awareness of lung cancer is key to securing research funding, encouraging lung cancer screening and reducing the stigma around this disease.

lung health barometer

Inflation Reduction Act Will Support Better Lung Health: The Inflation Reduction Act, which passed the Senate and House earlier this month, contains a number of provisions that would improve access to quality and affordable healthcare and make important investments in cleaning up air pollution and addressing climate change. Read more. This bill is the culmination of work we’ve supported, with your help, urging Congress to invest in a healthier future. 

Thank You for Your Support for FDA's Proposed Rules on Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars! These proposed rules provide a tremendous opportunity to save lives and reduce the toll of tobacco on the health of millions of people. On July 27, the Lung Association sent a letter to FDA with the signatures from 1,040 health professionals from all 50 states in support of the two proposed rules to end the sale of menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars. In addition, we hand delivered thousands of comments from the public in support of the proposed rules to FDA. The comment period for the rules closed August 2, and we issued this press statement highlighting several activities the Lung Association has done to support the proposed rules, including submitting our own comments and signing onto larger partner comments. We’re urging FDA to finalize the rules by the end of the year. 

Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones from COVID-19: Learn what to do to help keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Learn more about the BA.5 variant. Please  GIVE to the COVID-19 Action Initiative so we can help end COVID-19 and defend against future respiratory viruses. Find the latest information at and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram social channels and share these timely messages with your network.

Listen to Lungcast™: Deconstructing Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Dr. Reena Mehra: Modern obstructive sleep apnea presents an under met challenge in pulmonary health. This episode, featuring Dr. Reena Mehra at Cleveland Clinic, delves into the ins and outs of this surprisingly common disease that is practically defined by its hefty symptom burden. Listen in to learn more about sleep apnea’s improved diagnostics and advancing therapies, as well as the role of comorbid conditions. Tune into the interview, plus past episodes, at:


Fall Walks are Coming soon! Show your support for lung health and help drive our lifesaving mission forward. Register and join us in the fall! Explore our events that appeal to a full range of interests.

LF Walk

Make a Difference with a Vehicle Donation: Did you know that you can donate a vehicle to the Lung Association? Your donation will provide funding to important research, education and advocacy that can help save lives. Learn more about our Vehicle Donation Program. Donating is easy with free pick-up and support–in fact, each vehicle donation is tax deductible! 


LUNG FORCE Hero: Steven S. shares the story of his wife Joan, whom he lost to lung cancer. Says Steven, “I would like to encourage you all today to continue to support and increased funding for lung cancer research done by the American Lung Association, for earlier detection of this terrible disease.”


Back to School with Asthma: Asthma is a leading chronic condition that causes students to miss school, which can directly affect their academic success. With the start of the school year almost upon us, now is the perfect time to check out our Back to School with Asthma Checklist. If you are a teacher, or school administrator, you can learn how to make your school asthma-friendly with our Back to School with Asthma Toolkit for Schools.

Save Yourself from Summer's Deadly Heat Waves: Climate change is a threat to our health, and we are feeling its effect now. As temperatures rise, there are certain steps that every person should take to keep themselves and their family safe.

Join the Better Breathers Network, the Lung Association’s nationwide online support program providing direct access to lung disease management tools, education and connection to other patients and caregivers. Learn more at

Lung Helpline and Tobacco Quitline: Talk to our experts at the American Lung Association Lung HelpLine and Tobacco QuitLine. Our service is free, and we are here to help you. You can connect with us by calling 1-800-LUNGUSA (1-800-586-4872 and press 2), submitting a question online or participating in a live chat when available.


ACRC’s COPD Trial LEEPs to Finish Line: In mid-May, the results from our Airways Clinical Research Centers (ACRC) Network’s COPD trial called Losartan Effects on Emphysema Progression (LEEP) were published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. The primary outcome of LEEP was to determine if the drug losartan may alter the progression of emphysema. While the results ultimately disproved this hypothesis, LEEP provides important information to be considered when designing interventional studies for COPD patients in the future. For the latest research news, visit:


Cigars, including flavored cigars, contain the same addictive, toxic and carcinogenic compounds found in cigarettes. Besides proposing a rule to end the sale of menthol cigarettes, a separate newly proposed FDA rule would also eliminate flavored cigars. Learn more in our latest blog “The Dangers of Flavored Cigars.

Your support is more important than ever!
COVID-19 continues to give urgent meaning to our catch phrase, When You Can’t Breathe, Nothing Else Matters®. Because of your support, we are conducting research to discover new ways to prevent, treat and even cure lung diseases like COVID-19, lung cancer, asthma, COPD and other lung diseases. It’s your support that makes our diverse and lifesaving work possible. Thank you for all you do to help during this most important time!

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Richmond, VA
Richmond, VA | Sep 03, 2024
COPD Educator Course
, | Oct 17, 2024