Historias compartidas
Linda M. Open burning is allowed with flimsy restrictions and fire department will only cite individuals if the complainer can give them an address.
Jay J. We live in a zip code that received F ozone, F 24h and Fail scores on air quality.
Alexandra C. No one fights alone, we all need clean air to breathe and live.
LK N. I left Alaska after two years in part because of the poor air quality in Fairbanks where I lived.
Joseph My name is Joseph, and this is why I make Every Mile Count
David K. My name is David Kaufman, and this is why I make Every Step Count
Diane S. My lung issues started 8 years ago.
Marie L. A major cause of poor air quality are what California Air Resources Board and the EPA call gas powered small off road equipment (e.g. mowers and leaf blowers) that we use for primarily for landscaping.
Shelley M. When I went to the doctor with pain in my lower right side, I never expected to find out that I had lung cancer.
Ann S.
Daniel T. Wildfires in Northern California over the past several years have triggered asthma which I hadn't had since I was a teenager. I deal with the impacts now daily.
Emily M. Having never worked with a clientele of people who smoke, and having never smoked myself, I was apprehensive at first.
Gregory S. Our township allows leaf burning throughout the year, causing very unhealthy air especially for those with asthma, COPD or other sensitivities.
Alli P. I am a student at UMD in Minnesota. I am originally from a small town in southern Minnesota.
Barb T. I was born with Kartagener syndrome, the cilia does not work in my lungs, ears or sinuses.