LOCAL Virtual Fundraiser to Support COVID-19 Initiative

LUNG FORCE Walk Burlington goes virtual due to COVID-19.

The American Lung Association in Vermont announces today that its 6th annual LUNG FORCE Walk Burlington will be a virtual event due to COVID-19. The virtual fundraising event kicks off today, March 18 and runs through June 13, 2020 with weekly interactive challenges; and culminates with a live virtual interactive celebration on Saturday, June 20 at 1:00 p.m. EST.

Hundreds of registrants will also be fundraising to support life-saving lung disease research and the Lung Association’s COVID-19 Action Initiative; a $25 million initiative to end COVID-19 and defend against future respiratory virus pandemics.

The COVID-19 Action Initiative will be used to expand the Association’s ongoing respiratory research program, enhance key public health measures, and establish an advanced network to stop future respiratory virus pandemics. The initiative will also work with public and private entities to increase research collaboration and develop new vaccines, detection tests and treatment therapies.

“We’re grateful for the hundreds of participants that will participate in the virtual event in support of lung disease research. Now more than ever is when our community needs to come together, virtually, to end COVID-19 and defeat lung diseases. This is a way that we can do that right here in Burlington, Vermont” said, Jana Beagley, Development Coordinator, American Lung Association.

WHAT: The LUNG FORCE Virtual Walk Burlington. Our five LUNG FORCE Action Passport Challenge tents on walk day have been transformed into five virtual Action Passport Challenges. When participants complete each challenge, they will receive an opportunity to earn prizes. Each week, we will release a new challenge to complete your Action Passport. These interactive activities help spread the message and the mission of the American Lung Association and promote your team and personal fundraiser in the community.

WHEN: The first passport challenge will be released on May 18th. Weekly Action Passport Challenges will be released through June 6th with a submission deadline June 13. Then participants can join us on June 20th at 1:00 p.m. for our live virtual celebration where we will announce winners, celebrate everyone’s fundraising and have a chance to gather our LUNG FORCE community safely. Be sure to wear your Turquoise! All are welcome to use #LendALung, #LungForceVT, #ITurnedTurquoise to join in on social media.

REGISTER: Registration for the virtual event has no fee. More information can be found LUNGFORCE.org/Vermont.
For more information on the American Lung Association’s work on COVID-19, and the COVID-19 Action Initiative, visit Lung.org/covid19.   

Eagle Country 97.5. is the LUNG FORCE Virtual Walk Burlington’s media sponsor.

For media interested in speaking with a lung health expert or advocate, a LUNG FORCE hero or scheduling an interview and requesting images, contact Valerie Gleason at [email protected] or 717-971-1123.

For more information, contact:

Valerie Gleason
[email protected]

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