Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones from COVID-19: COVID-19 cases are surging in many parts of the country. The Lung Association has tools in information to help keep you safe!

Find the latest at and be sure to follow our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram social channels and share these timely resources to your network.

Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month: This September, we highlight resources and raise awareness for those impacted by pulmonary fibrosis. Watch helpful videos, learn about treatment options, join a support group and more.

In August, we announced our Vape-Free Schools Scholarship Fund, a new effort to fund schools’ implementation of the Vape-Free Schools Initiative so that more kids can access cessation, support and education. This scholarship drive seeks to raise funds to give schools across the country access to online training and resources to help students quit vaping. Donate today at

You’re Invited - Little Airways, Big Voices: To bring the voice of families impacted by asthma in childhood to the forefront of drug development and research, the Allergy & Asthma Network, American Lung Association, American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders, and Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America are teaming up to host a virtual, patient-focused drug development (PFDD) meeting on September 20, 2021, from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. There are multiple ways to share your voice.

  • Complete a brief survey to help us gather insights on the impact of asthma, treatment options, and living with and managing childhood asthma
  • Join us virtually on September 20th for the PFDD meeting
  • Share a written testimony about your experiences living with and managing asthma in children

Learn more at:

Check Out our Latest Lungcast™: Lungcast is a pulmonary podcast series by the American Lung Association and HCPLive. Check out our latest episode Biologic Breakthroughs for Severe Asthma  with Dr. Mario Castro, from University of Kansas School of Medicine, and a leading principle investigator for our Airways Clinical Research Centers network, who will guide us through the myriad of emerging asthma biologic agents.


Join an Event and Support the Lung Association! Thank you to all who participated in and supported our events this past year!  Looking for more opportunities to support the Lung Association’s lifesaving Mission? LUNG FORCE Walks & Run/Walks and social events are scheduled through the fall. With safety being our number one priority, our events have been reimagined to provide the experience you know and love, while adhering to CDC recommendations. Get involved today by raising funds and awareness in your community. We know you'll find an event to enjoy. Right now, your support is more important than ever! Find an event near you and register today.


Emergencies & Natural Disasters: We are experiencing a period of increased natural disasters, such as Hurricane Ida, and vast wildfires in the west. Wildfires, flooding, hurricanes and other natural events can create unhealthy air, especially for people with lung disease. We have extensive information and resources to help you stay safe and protect your lungs before, during and after emergencies and natural disasters. Check them out!

Learn About the Cost of Managing Asthma: The cost of managing a chronic lung condition, like asthma, plays a significant role in the overall management of asthma. Understanding how finances and insurance fit into managing a chronic illness is often confusing and overwhelming for many patients and their caregivers. Please join the American Lung Association on Wednesday, October 13, 2 – 3 p.m. CT for a free webcast to address this topic: The Cost of Managing Asthma - Understanding Finances and Insurance. Register now.

Supporting Cessation Efforts Through COVID Relief FFS Plus Program: Our COVID Relief Freedom From Smoking® (FFS) Plus Program has been extended through December 31, 2021 (or until supplies last) to support individuals wanting to quit tobacco use but are experiencing a barrier to accessing cessation services and/or attending an in-person FFS group program. Since the COVID Relief FFS Plus program start on March 19, 2020, a total of 541 individuals nationwide have enrolled and benefitted in this pre-paid membership offer. The Lung Association looks to support an additional 750 individuals along their quit journey by providing a 1-year free membership to Freedom From Smoking Plus now through the end of 2021. To take advantage of this COVID relief program, log in here, set up a profile and submit to begin the self-paced, 9-module course. This will allow you to access our FFS Plus program anytime, anywhere from any digital device, including your smartphone, for 12 full months of continuous support in achieving and maintaining a tobacco-free lifestyle.


New Awards & Grants Cycle: The Lung Association has been committed to funding and finding scientific solutions for more than 115 years. Lung health remains front and center in today’s media headlines and we are excited to announce the 2022 call-for-applications to identify new research projects to fund. We are proud to collaborate with the best and brightest in the lung health field and you are encouraged to share the linked information with interested researchers seeking funding for lung health research. Learn more

Scientific InnovationOne Lung Association Researcher’s Perspective: New on our Each Breath blog-a member of our research team, Hyungjin Eoh, D.V.M., Ph.D., at University of Southern California, offers insight into the challenges of treating tuberculosis throughout history. It is a worthwhile read covering latent infection and antibiotic resistance, along with a closer look into the fascinating work his lab is conducting, and the Lung Association is funding.


FDA’s Delay on Juul and other Tobacco Products Puts U.S. Kids at Risk: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) let the court-ordered September 9 deadline pass without any decisions on Juul and many other tobacco products, which make up over three quarters of e-cigarette products on the market. This is deeply disappointing that the FDA allowed Juul and other tobacco products that clearly are targeted at youth to remain on the market after today’s court-ordered deadline. It is urgent that the Biden Administration follow the science and act to remove all remaining flavored tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, from the marketplace. The harm these products cause to youth shows that they fail to meet the Tobacco Control Act’s public health standard.


Researcher Taps into Hispanic Heritage to Halt Vaping among Latino Teens: Francisco Cartujano, M.D., received our 2021-2022 Catalyst Award for his project, “Kick Vaping: A Vaping Cessation Text Messaging Intervention for Latino Young Adults."

Thank you for all you do!

Your generous support is the engine that drives our three-pronged mission of education, advocacy and research. Out of every dollar donated to the American Lung Association, 89 cents go to program services that help all of us and our loved ones breathe easier, now and in the future!

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Richmond, VA
Richmond, VA | Jan 06, 2025
Community Connections - Cool Savings: AC Energy Efficiency and Cost-Effective Cooling
, | Feb 13, 2025