Jacksonville Businesswomen Lip Sing to End Lung Disease, COVID-19

The Kira Sikes Group hits the virtual stage to raise money and awareness for the American Lung Association

On October 15, The Kira Sikes Group will take to the virtual stage to raise awareness for lung disease at the American Lung Association in Florida’s Lip Sync For Lungs event. Group members Kira Sikes, Kim Trudnak and Toni Espinosa have all been impacted by lung disease, so their performance is personal.

Sikes is the broker and owner of Sandbar Realty, and team lead and realtor of The Kira Sikes Group. When she was young, she was close to her grandmother, who took care of her each day to help her working parents. Later in life, her grandmother developed both emphysema and lung cancer.

“She died when I was pregnant with my oldest child. I saw her smoke when I was young, then saw her deteriorate as she got older. I was in the hospital and saw her take her last breath,” said Sikes. “More recently, my other grandmother, who is in her 80s, developed COVID-19 and beat it. It is eye-opening to see the effects of COVID-19 on people of all ages.”

Her Lip Sync For Lungs team members also have a close connection to lung disease. Trudnak’s grandmother died of lung cancer, and her aunt and mother have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Espinosa’s grandmother had emphysema and COPD. 

On October 15, the Kira Sikes Group is excited to bring their all to the competition in hopes of winning and being able to pick their performance slot for the live spring event. They are also looking for sponsors so they can create t-shirts to help raise more money for the event.

“I don’t want to reveal our secrets, but we have a lot of people on board to make it a lively performance. I am very competitive, and I give 150% every time,” she said. “We really want everyone’s votes and support.”

Most importantly, the team hopes to raise awareness and money for lung disease, which remains close to their hearts.

“We know firsthand that the ‘battle’ is long and hard, not just for the patient suffering from these diseases, but for the entire family. This is a huge reason why we are very passionate about our community and getting to know each person within it,” said Sikes. “Outside of real estate, we cherish and value every individual relationship, and want to be there in the good and the bad! This includes the families hurting and struggling with all forms of lung disease.”

Everyone is invited to watch The Sikes Group performance at the virtual Lip Sync For Lungs event at 6 p.m. on October 15. Anyone who donates will receive an invitation. Read more about the Kira Sikes Group and donate at www.LipSyncForLungsJax.org.

For more information, contact:

Jill Dale
[email protected]

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