New Report: Transition to Zero-Emission Trucks Could Save Hundreds of Lives in Palm Beach County

American Lung Association’s “Delivering Clean Air” report details benefits of transition to zero-emission trucks for Palm Beach County residents

A new report by the American Lung Association finds that switching to zero-emission trucks and electricity would significantly reduce health impacts and disparities in pollution-burdened communities that are home to major truck traffic, including Palm Beach County.

The report, “Delivering Clean Air: Health Benefits of Zero-Emission Trucks and Electricity,” illustrates the potential health benefits if all new medium- and heavy-duty vehicles sold are zero-emission by 2040. The report focuses specifically on trucking corridors with 8,500 or more trucks trips per day. It also projects that the nation’s electric grid will be powered by clean, non-combustion renewable energy replacing fossil fuels by 2035. 

Here in Palm Beach County, a transition to clean trucks would result in up to 847 avoided deaths and $9.3 billion in public health benefits.

“The transportation sector is a leading source of air pollution and the United States’ biggest source of carbon pollution that drives climate change and associated public health harms. Trucks represent a small fraction of total on-road vehicles but generate the greatest share of harmful air pollutants. In 2020, heavy-duty vehicles represented approximately 6% of the on-road fleet but generated 59% of ozone- and particle-forming NOx emissions and 55% of the particle pollution,” said Irving Rosenbaum, DPA EdD, retired city manager and now a Vice President at Nova Southeastern University and South Florida American Lung Association Leadership Board. “We need our state and federal leaders to act to implement equitable policies and invest in the transition to healthy air today.” 

Nationally, a widespread transition to zero-emission trucks and electricity would generate more than $735 billion in health benefits and result in 66,800 avoided deaths near major trucking corridors. Here in Palm Beach County, the transition would generate $9.3 billion in public health benefits and result in up to:

  • 847 avoided deaths 
  • 13,400 avoided asthma attacks 
  • 72,800 avoided lost workdays 

The report also highlights that a transition to zero-emission trucks is a significant opportunity to improve health equity by reducing health impacts in pollution-burdened communities near major truck traffic areas. Approximately 45% of residents in counties with major truck traffic are people of color compared with approximately 38% nationally. The Environmental Protection Agency found that 72 million Americans live in close proximity to heavy trucking corridors and they “are more likely to be people of color and have lower incomes.”

Exposure to traffic-related pollution is a serious health hazard to those living in communities with heavy truck traffic. The mixture of emissions has been linked to poor birth outcomes, reduced lung and cognitive development, development and worsening of chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, and increased risk of dementia, cancer and premature death.

To achieve the health benefits outlined in this report, the American Lung Association is calling on decisionmakers at the federal and state levels to set stronger clean truck standards and to invest in zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and non-combustion energy sources. Learn more about the “Delivering Clean Air” report and sign the petition at

For more information, contact:

Jill Smith
[email protected]

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