Lung Association Responds to CARB’s Adoption of New Trucking and Port Pollution Clean Up Rules

The American Lung Association issued the following statement upon the California Air Resources Board’s adoption of rules to clean up trucking and port pollution today:

“Today’s actions represent a major step forward for California and set a strong example for national efforts to clean our air,” said Will Barrett, Director of Clean Air Advocacy for the American Lung Association in California. “Requiring oil tankers and heavy-duty trucks to clean up their act will save thousands of lives and avoid tens of billions of dollars in health costs. Industry opposition rang hollow when you consider rising cancer risks and premature deaths as the alternative.”

Paola Loera, a UC Riverside Loveridge Fellow with the Lung Association added, “California communities facing staggering inequities in pollution burdens will breathe easier because of the standards set today. My generation knows we have to speak out and fight for clean air for all communities regardless of race or income. Today was a good day for our health and our future.”

Dr. Karen Jakpor, a physician living with severe asthma also testified during the hearing, noting her own experiences with trucking pollution in the Inland Empire and summarizing the perspective of many health and medical supporters on the adopted rules: “I’ve been hospitalized more times than I can count because of my asthma - there’s no time to lose. Health professionals know we needed clean air a generation ago, and the vote today makes clear that it isn’t fair to condemn yet another generation to a life of freight pollution.”

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