American Lung Association Applauds California Action to Cut Pollution from Locomotive Operations

In-Use Locomotive standard will save live and reduce cancer risk
Today, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted the In-Use Locomotive standard to modernize locomotive operations and set a framework for zero-emission technologies in this highly-polluting sector. The Lung Association and many health and medical partners participated throughout the rulemaking process and welcome the news of the final rule adoption. 

“The locomotive rule is one of the largest sources of ozone-forming emission reductions outlined on the Ozone State Implementation Plan. The rule is vital to the communities living near railyards, due to reduced cancer risk from diesel particle pollution and other emissions,” Mariela Ruacho, Clean Air Advocacy Manager for the American Lung Association in California. “Our State of the Air 2023 report found that people of color were 3.7 times more likely to live in a county with three failing graders than white people. These two rules look to improve air quality for those most impacted communities and save lives.”

Tomorrow, CARB will continue its hearing and vote on the Advanced Clean Fleets standard to bring increasing numbers of zero-emission truck fleets throughout the state. Combined, these rules have been projected to save over 5,000 lives and bring almost $60 billion in public health benefits due to cleaner air. This action comes just one week following the American Lung Association’s 24th annual State of the Air report which highlights major pollution challenges facing California communities.
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