American Lung Association Strongly Opposes EPA's Rollback of Methane Pollution Standards

Proposed rule would result in increase of hazardous pollutants, harming Americans' health

In response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposal to roll back the New Source Performance Standards that curb emissions of methane and volatile organic compounds from new, modified and reconstructed sources in the oil and gas industry, American Lung Association National President and CEO Harold P. Wimmer issued the following statement:

“We are deeply disappointed in EPA’s latest proposal to weaken current limits on methane and other dangerous pollution from the oil and gas industry. This move would be a step backwards, allowing more greenhouse gas emissions during a time when we have a critically short window to act on climate change.

“Earlier this year, the American Lung Association joined more than 70 health and medical organizations in urging leaders to immediately take steps to limit air pollution that contributes to climate change and build climate resilience. With today’s proposal, EPA again disregards the health emergency that climate change is creating.

“EPA’s proposal would not only increase methane pollution, it would also increase emissions of volatile organic compounds, particulate matter and hazardous air pollutants that are linked to birth defects, asthma attacks, cancer and premature death. While this would have dangerous impacts on the health of all Americans, millions of people are more vulnerable to these pollutants, including children, older adults and those living with chronic diseases like asthma.

“To protect the lung health of Americans from the worst impacts of climate change, it is imperative that EPA reduce methane from the oil and gas industry. We strongly oppose today’s proposal to roll back sensible standards that protect Americans’ health from climate change and safeguard the air we all breathe. EPA should withdraw the proposal immediately.”

For more information, contact:

Allison MacMunn
[email protected]

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