Robin B

Robin B.

My mom was hospitalized with severe blood clots in her neck and arm. In the process of finding the cause, the doctors found a small nodule on her lungs.

On April 1st we received the diagnosis that she had stage 4 Lung Cancer. It is that word that everyone fears to hear. I was shocked. Really, how could my mom have lung cancer? My mom was the healthiest person I knew. She loved living a healthy lifestyle, she worked out every day, ate very healthy, and NEVER SMOKED A DAY IN HER LIFE!

That day though, I remember sitting there with my parents and saying, "Cancer messed with the wrong person. Cancer messed with the wrong family. We are Bondy Strong." My mom was a fighter! Unfortunately she wasn't given much of a chance to fight.

A month later, my mom had a stroke. She was given every challenge she could have received! But she kept fighting. Two months after her diagnosis, on June 13th, my Dad and I were by her side as we watched her become our guardian angel. Today I am here to continue on her legacy! I don't want anyone to have to go through what my family and I have been through.

Lung cancer is on the rise in young women, so I hope by me sharing our story we will help bring awareness.

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Richmond, VA
Richmond, VA | Jan 06, 2025
Asthma Basics Workshop
Jacksonville, FL | Feb 19, 2025