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Karen H., MO

I am a former smoker. When I got my Medicare guide for 2018, I saw that they were paying for the scan. I went to my doctor who scheduled the scan for me. The very same day of the scan, my doctor was calling me telling me the Radiologist saw a small mass on my left upper lobe and one on my right lower lobe.

I had a PET scan which showed activity in the left mass and slight activity in the right. A needle biopsy was inconclusive so I had a surgical biopsy of the left lung and lymph nodes. The mass was adenocarcinoma of the lung. My lymph nodes were 100% clear. The surgeon removed the upper left lobe of my lung. The oncologist, who specializes in lung cancer, said I needed no further treatment. Every six months I get a scan. We are monitoring the right side to see if it grows.

This scan, without a doubt, saved my life. No, I did mot have small cell lung cancer, but I had lung cancer. I had been monitoring my lungs with x-rays. These small masses never showed on an x-ray. Thank God for this life saving scan.

First Published: July 18, 2018

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