Juanita B

Juanita B., WI

What a journey. I found lumps around my collar bone in 2009. The doctor wasn't too concerned, but still took a CT scan to keep an eye on it. In March 2010 I lost my husband to a lifestyle death. I sold about everything, and was going to sell my home but I did everything I could so I could keep my home, only to lose it to cancer. In November 2011, I found more lumps and bigger ones around the collar bone. The doctor took another CT and found that the lumps had gotten bigger. I underwent biopsies and sure enough, it was stage 4 b lung cancer- lots of cancerous lymph nodes between my lungs and rib cage. Now I knew what lung cancer does to people because I took care of my best friend and a mother in-law who had lung cancer and passed away. It's a horrible death. I was scared big time. My son was more scared but strong. My son was in medical school doing his internship in psychology and did some research on my situation. He said I could beat it and to get more opinions, so I did. My first opinion was stage 4, my second was stage 3b. My sister works as a hospice CNA and asked her nurses who is the best doctor by her and they told her who and I went to see them. They gave me the best odds, stage 3b, but they felt with a good attitude and staying healthy they could keep it managed and give me a few more years. So my sister called my son and asked if she could take care of me and help me through my journey (my son was going to come home to stay with me and I wouldn't have that). So I moved up near my sister 3 hours away and I gave my home back to the bank (I would have lost it anyway because of bills). In the meantime, one of my other sisters was diagnosed with cancer also, so my brother helped her and I moved up north and fought like hell. I was loved big time and encouraged big time to keep a positive attitude. My son and his girlfriend would send me songs that would keep me strong (I love music). I did 3 weeks of chemo and 10 weeks of radiation, it was hell, but I did it. My nephew and sister and brothers all helped keep me positive. My other sister was getting worse and her treatment wasn't helping. I beat my cancer in March of 2012. My sister Colleen wasn't as lucky as me. I miss her and have felt guilty since. I'm staying strong and trying to stay healthy. My son is doing his residency now and all is good in life. So never give up never.....

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Richmond, VA | Jan 06, 2025
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