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Diane A.

Hi, my name is Diane. I want to urge all smokers and former smokers to get screened for lung cancer. This is my story. About six years ago my local medical center offered a free low-dose CT scan of the lungs. I decided, as a former smoker, who smoked for almost 40 years that I should do it. The scan found seven nodules in various places in both lungs. For a couple of years my pulmonary doctor ordered a repeat scan every six months. Nothing changed so we went to once a year.

This June my annual scan found a new spot that was of serious concern. A follow-up PET scan showed it to be cancer. I begin radiation therapy next week. Thankfully this was found at an early stage and my prognosis is pretty good.

I would add that my deceased husband waited until his lung cancer hurt and was untreatable, another two friends died of this disease and my mom lost half a lung to it.

That was 15 years ago and she will be 89 in October. Another early detection success story. I cannot urge you strongly enough to get screened. I am so grateful that I did. I have no doubt that it has saved my life.

First Published: August 9, 2017

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