Joining family and friends for Thanksgiving gives us a chance to remember issues that affect those around us and take action to help solve those problems. November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, and throughout the month, Myriad Genetics has worked with the American Lung Association to spread the word about defeating lung cancer through research and making sure those affected by lung cancer receive access to necessary treatment plans and the resources they need to understand their diagnoses.

Myriad Genetics supports the Lung Association and other lung cancer advocacy groups because lung cancer is the #1 cancer killer both in the U.S. and in the world. Approximately 1 in every 3.8 cancer deaths in the U.S. is due to lung cancer, and there has been little improvement in survival in the last 30 years. These statistics are completely unacceptable. More research funding is needed to increase treatment options and early detection methods. Historically, lung cancer research has been among the most underfunded forms of cancer  research, with many stigmas around it that contribute to this lack of research and funding toward new drugs and tests to both help cure lung cancer and prolong the lives of patients who are diagnosed. We want to give lung cancer patients hope and drive awareness about the importance of funding research and early detection.

The Lung Association funds crucial lung cancer research and delivers programs to end lung cancer.  Join Myriad Genetics on Giving Tuesday (November, 29) to support the 2016 American Lung Association Giving Tuesday Campaign, share your commitment on social media using #GivingTuesday, and encourage your friends and family to join the efforts to end lung cancer.

Myriad Genetics will double your donation to the American Lung Association by matching the first $10,000 donated to the Lung Association on Giving Tuesday.

Your gift will help the Lung Association defeat lung cancer and reduce the burden of lung cancer on patients and their families. 

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