This weekend, we celebrate our fathers and the tremendous impact they have on our lives. As we prepare for steak dinners, family ballgames, and other Father's Day celebrations, the American Lung Association and other health agencies across the nation are shining a light on men's health.

As family caregivers, many fathers may forget to care for themselves, instead focusing their energy on their spouses and children. They may not eat as healthy as they should, or exercise as much as they used to or keep up with routine healthcare. According to the CDC, as they age, men become much more susceptible to health problems, particularly heart attacks.

That's why the Lung Association is turning the conversation to men's health issues and challenging them to make a commitment to live smokefree, one of the best ways to improve not only everyday health but also decrease the risk of heart disease.

"Quitting isn't easy but 55 million ex-smokers in the United States are proof that it's possible,"  American Lung Association National Senior Director of Tobacco Programs Jennifer Folkenroth explained. "Breaking free from this addiction is the single most important step a smoker can take to improve the length and overall quality of their lives. Through a treatment plan recommended by their physician that includes a counseling program, such as American Lung Association's Freedom From Smoking®, and an FDA-approved cessation medication, anyone can quit and stay tobacco-free for good."

Stu Krogman is a prime example of a father who took a good look at his own habits and considered that being around for his family really was the number one gift he could give them. A former smoker, Stu finally put down the cigarettes when his son was born.

"I had wanted to quit for a long time and I tried a number of times," Stu explained to his son Joel, "One night when we got home, I just knew: this is the moment. Quitting smoking is one of the best and happiest accomplishments of my life. I just recently had a doctor's visit and was told I have a clean bill of health. So now at 65, when my grandson asks his grandpa to run around the yard with him, I can say, 'Yes!' What is better than that?"

Stu also knew that he was not alone, and neither are you. The Lung Association's tips and tricks for quitting are a great guide to help you and the men in your life start the journey toward a smokefree future. Together we can help our dads, granddads, sons and brothers be around for many Father's Days to come.

Quitting smoking isn't all you can do for your health. Take the extra step for your health and learn about screening. Hear Frank's story about how a simple lung scan saved his life:

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Richmond, VA
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